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On alcoholic drinks and their addictions





On Alcoholic Drinks and its Addiction

Published on June 26, 2021


A break-down of popular types of alcoholic drinks and on how addictions are developed.

Facts about alcoholic drinks

  1. Alcohol is a toxic molecule and as with any other toxins when consumed, it metabolises itself creating more toxins in our body that has the potential to damage our cells and eventually our organs at large.
  2. The major class of alcoholic drinks that is presently available in our times are derived from the process of distillation. During the Biblical times the common process used was fermentation to make alcoholic drinks (Ex. Red Wine). Both are different process (or common in parts till the fermentation) of making alcoholic drinks, and both have different composite molecular properties to some extend.
  3. Distilled drinks contains more percentage of alcohol compared to fermented Wines.
  4. Biologically in humans - studies and evidence prove that there are certain benefits that fermented drinks provide when used in moderation - example - Red Wine contains Resveratrol which is a potent antioxidant that alleviate lot of oxidative stress on our cells and thus improves our overall wellbeing and longevity.
  5. However alcoholic drinks produced via the process of distillation does not provide any nutritional benefit whatsoever, apart from the recreational high people get out of consuming it. Secondly the mass industry scale production of distilled drinks that is commercially available in our times in many cases contains chemical additives, caramel for colour and in some cases adulterant spirits as well.

How addiction takes place

  1. Physiologically - fermented drinks have been proven to provide certain health benefits for digestion, relaxation and enhancing mood etc.
  2. Our human limbic system (the reward system) in our brain responds to this type of drinks quite well in lifting the mood and that could probably be the reason why it found its place in usage for enhancing the experience of social gatherings etc.
  3. The human limbic system responds to both fermented drinks (Wine) as well as distilled alcohols in more or less in similar manner.
  4. Distilled drinks are more addictive and is harmful for its toxins (for the higher ratio of alcohol content in it). Additionally it fast tracks the limbic sensitivity numbing process and of the fact that it has absolutely no nutritional benefit when compared to fermented Red Wine (for example), usage of it can be 100% self abusive and destructive in all sense.
  5. The prevalence of distilled form of alcoholic drinks and how it fed into addictive nature of ours has been the major cause of the socio-economical and spiritual evil that this product has caused to the human race.

Note -

The distilled drinks - however has a lower insulin response (glycemic response otherwise) compared to Red Wine - which has rather a higher insulin response. That means in people who has insulin related metabolic disorders Wine usage can be damaging as well (this high insulin response can outweigh the benefits of wine in such cases).

So if we are health focused - the bottom line is stay away from any form of alcoholic drinks.

Also if drinking Wine - moderation works (the poison is in the dosage)

This note was formulated by inputs from a weekly study group I participate with men in my Church for fellowship.