Intune Living

Lifestyle Fitness


With Intune Living I want to help people make informed healthy lifestyle choices

to master their bodies and minds, toward leading long and fulfilling lives.

Hey, I am Atul! I am a software guy since almost 2 decades, and the most impact of my life happened in the last couple of years as I stumbled upon the life changing paradigm of fitness and nutrition that has had a profound impact on my health parameters, to an extend that I could reverse certain health issues I succumbed for many years in the past. Issues like sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, high cholesterols and triglycerides. Now all of these are a thing of the past. Praise God!

As the founder of a software consulting business, I handle multiple projects and teams and in my free time I enjoy learning, researching & practicing emerging science of nutrition, fitness and other natural means & lifestyle changes that can take human wellbeing and performance to the next level. So it is more like an addictive hobby for me now, where my own body is my lab.😇

I am in all wonder as I discover new dynamics of the relationship between what we eat, how we move, and expose our bodies to has a lot to do with how healing and restoration takes place.

The purpose of is so that as I discover new research and techniques that can help improve human wellbeing and performance, it can be a window through which I can spread the word and help others too in finding their way back to health and wellness.

One disclaimer - The information provided through is educational in nature, and is not intended to replace medical advice. I hope it will empower you to make your own health decisions after consulting with a healthcare provider. I am not a trained medical professional, but a software engineer in my own rights, however I have first hand experiences with biological conditions that led me to the path of self discovery on how the human physiology works and science behind - also my education in science and engineering gives a notch in relating to the mechanistic nature of human biochemistry and how it reacts with environment, food and physical movement. I am a constant learner and a curious mind. I hope this is sufficient background enough to be resourceful to help you on your way back to health and wellbeing.

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