
Intune Living

Lifestyle Fitness

2020 - Truly a Pivotal Year

By Atul-Kuruvilla | Published on January 1, 2021

2020 - Truly a Pivotal Year

Published on January 01, 2021

Kuruvilla Abraham (Atul)

Growing Tacten.co, ERPNext consultant (Healthcare & Manufacturing), Open Source, Full-stack dev, Adding value thru tech

A personal reflection

2020 has been a pivotal year for me (as would be for many of us, given the virus situation etc ) - mainly at a personal level and much of which has translated into other areas of life, even to what I do as part of my work to some extend as well.

Some of the key areas of impact has been:

health, spiritual awakening, stronger marriage, stronger business outcome, purpose driven —> all these has collectively contributed toward finding my true north and keeping me stayed on it and purpose driven for the years to come I believe.

Now I don't have a long blog to write about these points, instead I thought it best to portray these areas through few items that has taken some concrete shape mainly over the last year.

Health and fitness

I had a total reset in the area of health and wellness after I stumbled upon a life changing paradigm of eating and moving right by means of better scientific understanding of how the human bio-chemistry, physiology and metabolism works, & then tackling the health challenges through more informed approaches for getting the optimal results.

I created this site called Intune Living (beta),

as a resource aggregator to provide the best information in the world of health and fitness. One can subscribe there and access my "How to Fit 101" PDF guide describing my health protocol - which I have tried to make it as generic as possible that can benefit most people.

Spiritual Life

Christian walk and Church life has been a major part of my life, though I was far from perfect in many ways as a disciple of the Lord Jesus. The pandemic and lock down forced us all to stay away from any sort of fellowships and Church gatherings, and just like how we as humans has the tremendous ability to adapt to any major change - we did that pretty well on how our Church might function too. Since the lock down in April of 2020, we as a church got the privilege to come together on Zoom every evening 8-9PM to learn and study God's word, led by our own Pastors who faithfully labour over God's word day in and out. This was something that wouldn't have come about had it not been for the pandemic situation. We as a family as committed members of the local church - took most of the opportunity of the daily Bible hour and, though initially we were apprehensive of dedicating one hour a day during busy weekdays amidst juggling so many other additional responsibilities, but we stuck with it and in many ways the daily Bible hour helped us clarify, grow and get strengthen spiritually and see life and meaning of our existence in an objective way through the lens of God's eternal word. As a result, it has rekindled my passion for the Lord Jesus Christ and to serve him in meaningful ways and taken me and my wife to a more stronger relationship and commitment to each other too.

The two foundational qualification I believe for leading a successful life -

  1. Being reconciled with God and striving for faithfulness to him
  2. Being faithful to ones spouse.

Those I believe are two strong pillars that supports a successful vocation or public life so that you don't leave room for anyone to malign you of anything.

Gladly sharing a song we performed as part of the Christmas out reach this year.

Now I can talk about what I do as part of my work

Work Life

Having started my enterprise software consulting company in 2017, it has taken different turns and we have been able to see successful outcomes with number of solutions we have provided for clients.

2020 has been quite pivotal in that the most impact happened as we started building our expertise around the Open source cloud based software platform called Frappe and ERPNext. Things has never been the same and the fact that we can help (and helping) clients realise their business apps, workflows, processes and reports in a very future proof and efficient way that Frappe and ERPNext delivers - all with lesser cash burn compared to propriety software solutions. We as official partners of Frappe Technologies (the company behind the software) and in good standing with them, can be partnered for any complex digital transformation and platform requirements. We have deep technical expertise with development and domain expertise in manufacturing and healthcare verticals.

To sum up - 2020 has been truly pivotal, not that I did something spectacular, but as how things has been taking shape from health, to spiritual life and work and purpose driven living, 2020 has taught me so many things - to slow down my pace, value things that truly matter and ultimately it is not the grandiose steps and plans, but small and incremental baby steps that leads to forming life long habits and achievements.

Now the learning that has come to life for me can be summed up in these two great quotes.

“You don’t have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something” - Zig Ziglar

"Success is often found amidst a pile of mistakes."- Daniel Bissonnette